Cockney Rejects

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Rarely in the long history of British rock’n’roll has there been a story of such depth, magnitude and sheer turbulence as that of the Cockney Rejects. The band were formed in the late Seventies in East London as an answer to the art school punk that had dominated the scene up until then. Fiercely working class in stance and attitude, the band eschewed the political ramblings of punk’s first wave and sang about the circumstances that surrounded them and millions of street kids in Britain’s inner cities- Police harassment, street battles and football to name three.

Tour Dates

07.09.2024HoofddorpOi in HoofddorpThe Netherlands
19.10.2024SélestatLes TanzmattenFrance
02.11.2024TorinoEl BarrioItalyTickets