Hometown Crew

— bookings via snoopy@mad-tourbooking.de

Hometown Crew is a 5-piece Youth Crew/Hardcore Punk band from Weert, The Netherlands. When formed in November 2014, their youngest member was only 14 years old, they immediately started writing songs with a ‘give-it-your-all’ mentality and played their first show in July 2015. Since then they played shows in Hungary, Scotland, Austria, Wales, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and The Netherlands.

Tour Dates

26.04.2025GardelegenKinosaal MiesteGermany
09.05.2025VechtaGulfhaus Germany
14.06.2025KölnHelios 37Germany
16.06.2025HannoverBéi Chéz HeinzGermany
18.06.2025HamburgMonkeys Music ClubGermany
19.06.2025OstravaBARRÁK music clubCzech Republic