45 Adapters

— bookings via marc@mad-tourbooking.de

45 ADAPTERS is a band that defies easy categorization, blending the raw energy of classic Oi! and street rock with the smart sounds of mod, the soulful grooves of 60’s soul and reggae, the flamboyance of glam, and the grit of pub rock. Imagine a truck full of COCK SPARRER records colliding with a truck full of Otis Redding records—that’s the 45 ADAPTERS sound. Formed more than fifteen years ago, these five friends from New York City have built a reputation for their sharp style and lively performances. Their music is a testament to their wide range of influences, resulting in a unique sound that breathes new life into a genre often considered stagnant. After numerous EPs, singles, splits, and collections, the long-running New York City “Maximum Oi ’n B” combo are finally releasing their first proper LP “Unstoppable”. Longtime listeners and new fans alike are bound to agree that Unstoppable, at long last, is their definitive statement, and the record that fully captures their acclaimed live energy.

Tour Dates